Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thank YOU!

Hey everyone! I enjoyed blogging this semester. It was my first time to use this technology and it was a very good experience. Thank you for all the comments on my blog. I hope to see more of you guys next semester. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Like my articles about e-bay---I am taking the time out to give credit to the creator of youtube. Creating a new technology on the internet like Youtube is simply amazing. The odd part of it is, that I am older than the creators of this phenomenon called youtube. I have always known that to be happy in life----one has to be passionate in what he is doing...and the rewards (like a billion dollar company like youtube) will eventually follow. These new technologies on the internet like youtube, google and ebay were all created by young people. My theory on this is....that young people still have so much passion in what they do and have no concept yet of the responsibilities of the world settling in haha. (just a thought). So we only have to find our inner passion in us and I believe everything will follow. enjoy the article.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


From the comments of Jillian and Steve, I am also wondering about all these video makers! Well, I found one, by accident, a 19 year old kid (he started posting his youtube videos in 2006) who has 1.7 MILLION subscribers to his channel and his videos have atleast 2 Million views each! Its amazing how many people follow the videos of this kid. I dont know if he is making money out of it---I think he does because of all the advertisements plastered on his youtube.....but it is crazy! His videos are home made and really simple with a weird comedy twist in it. Please take out the time and watch atleast 2 of his videos (if you have watched the Twilight movie -- the first movie--his take on it is hilarious...I must admit! and it has 10 MILLION views twilight). VIDEO CHANNEL .

I guess this is an example of kids using the new technologies to the fullest. If only kids would be this interested in their studies!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Ever wanted to learn sports? There is a way where you can learn sports without having to spend so much...and the best thing is you learn from the Experts themselves! I have been playing Badminton and tennis since arriving at SU and I find the youtube resources very useful. From learning how to hit a smash, serve, footwork and the rules of the game of my chosen sport, everything is there. If you want to know about dancing, yoga, karate, basketball and has it and all you need is a computer with an internet and you are ready to learn! Youtube is an alternative way of learning a lot of things, not only in sports, but in all kinds of fields that you can think of. It has made it easier to learn about sports and having little money is no excuse. With the coming winter I wish everyone to be healthy and active in sports!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I am using youtube a lot in my school reports here at Syracuse, especially for Tiffany's class in IDE 621. I am going to share a few videos that I used in my Behaviorism Knowledge Base. - this first link is about Skinners experiment. The second is about Thorndike's puzzle Box and this third video is my favorite! enjoy it! Surprise. So I am really using Youtube a lot to help me out understand the different theories that I have been learning at IDE 621---> I hope you guys can also use this technology for your upcoming reports!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quick Capture for Education??

You tube recently launched its Quick Capture which is a very cheap way of recording your class presentations that can be easily embedded in your blogs and wiki. All you have to have is an inexpensive webcam and computer microphone and you are ready to use Youtube's Quick Capture. The only problem would be it is very hard to copy the video that you created from youtube to your own computer. So it is not for "very important" presentations because it will be hard to make a copy of it once it is in youtube. But for simple class presentations---it is a nice alternative to the expensive multi-media- web-based education systems in the market. (For more information about this please click here)

Till next week

Sunday, November 1, 2009

For the second half of the semester, I am going to discuss YOUTUBE. I think almost everyone knows what youtube is about and I hope I can discover a little bit more about this phenomenon called youtube. So I hope to put up a post by next week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bye E-BAY...

In my earlier posts, I noted that Ebay is probably one of the first of its kind to use the internet to build a multi million company based on buying and selling anything under the sun. I must admit that it is fun to window shop and sooner or later buy something from ebay. All their things are very interesting and can really make you buy even if you do not intend to.

I think, we should all take a hard look at ebay and its success story and how it used different technologies to promote its company.

As I say goodbye to ebay---let me leave you a video about ebay in the view of someone we all respect......

Monday, October 12, 2009

Going that EXTRA-MILE ---Ebay Style

What I like about E-Bay is that it goes beyond the buying and selling of goods. It has incorporated in its website a community that goes beyond what Ebay is really about. By clicking on this link, one can learn more about the added vision and goals of Ebay, which is saving the environment and giving an entire community a way to interact with each other. Anyone can get involved with its charity and environmental programs. It also promotes links to the american Red Cross and cancer society of America.

My criteria for a successful website (as I have recommended in my website evaluation paper )is to have an environmental section and a community base program section to promote something that is very helpful to our world today.

So GOOD JOB E-bay!

Monday, October 5, 2009

KNOWING Syracuse and Syracuse University THRU EBAY

There is so much more to Syracuse and Syracuse University than what we just see around campus or when we go downtown. There are alot of items being sold at e-bay like old pictures of SU and Syracuse City that are very interesting. People are selling old pictures of the women's gym, football and basketball tickets in the 1970's, pictures from the 1913's graduation photo and all sort of things that make the mind imagine how historical and rich SU is. Downtown Syracuse had seen better days but if you look at the old pictures of Syracuse downtown buildings being sold at E-bay, you will know that it had a very rich and historical beginnings.

Even if you do not want to buy anything, and maybe just look around ebay on topics anything under the sun, one can LEARN about a lot of things that a common library or even a museum cannot offer.

Enjoy poking around E-Bay!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On-line entrepreneurship.

Who doesn't want to have their own business? On-line entrepreneurship as espoused by e-bay is a good point to start of what could be a very profitable career. I think everyone likes to have a job or "on the side" job that they can just do from the comforts of their home. E-bay is conducting trainings and learnings that will make this dream job come true for most people. Buying and selling is the basic tool that makes businesses what they are outside and inside the internet world. From-ebay, we would know what the pulse of the world is---what they usually buy and what they usually sell. E-bay has millions of clients and what better way of finding what the latest trend is than looking at what the client of ebay is doing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Who is the next Pierre Omidyar???

On September 4, 1995, Labor Day---Ebay was launched by little known Pierre Omidyar because he wanted to sell his wife's Pez candy dispensers in the Bay Area.
After reading Pierre Omidyar's profile and how he started out...I think everyone can learn from him. We have been talking alot about asynchronus technologies and this guy just got $10 billion richer by using these new technologies to his benefit. There are more technologies coming out each year and I am just wondering who will be the next Pierre Omidyar. Its not far fetched that it could come out of our class! E-bay has changed people's lives around the world, in a way that Pierre cound not have imagined. Learning how to blog, evaluate websites and literally having our class on the web and not on-the traditional classroom settings is becoming the wave of the future and knowing a person such as Mr. Omidyar just fortifies my belief that we should not be afraid of on-line learning and other new technologies coming our way, because sooner or later we can make these technologies work for us...just like Mr. Omidyar did.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

E-BAY - more than meets the eye!

Hey everyone,
I have discovered that there is more to E-bay than I thought. Retirees are making a living by being sellers at e-bay and Ms Miriam Otto is one of the many teachers that are conducting on-line classes (for retirees mostly), that teaches people how to sell well at e-bay. Please read more about this story here Definitely one of the unique benefits of asychronus technology!
Ebay has transformed itself from being just a shopping site, into a place that can generate "jobs."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hello groupmates, Im sorry for this late post but I am going to try to post earlier next time. Well, my topic is e-bay and I am pretty sure that everyone has tried to do some shopping at ebay before or atleast have surfed their webiste. I know its pretty popular here in the US...but not that popular where I come from. Anyway, Im going to be honest and say that Ive never bought anything from ebay or surfed it before hahah. What I did find out about ebay though is that alot of people are complaining about the products that they have bought form the place. In a link that I have found concerning ebay complaints, there are alot of issues concerning ebay and how it protects their consumers.

On-line shopping is the wave of the future, I have ordered books from and furniture for my apartment here in syracuse at different sites that offer free shipping and other customer relaed promos. Im pretty satisfied with how the products that I did buy from them. But, I am positive that other customers have complaints as well. Customer complaints whether you buy it on-line or you buy it at the store itself, will happen...and I found a link that will help us be protected when choosing an on-line shopping site like ebay.http://

Well, happy shopping at ebay or other on-line shopping sites.....hopefully by next week, I will be able to post something really substantial concerning ebay----once I surf it inside and out!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hey everyone, its been two weeks since I arrived in Syracuse. I have been to carousel center 4 times, Ive eaten at subway 7 times and played tennis 4 times haha. The topic I was assigned to by our good teacher is the website of e-BAY. I just hope I dont spend all my money on my topic haha! Goodluck guys.