Thursday, February 18, 2010

another stage that I want to put in my model is a review part concerning the alignment of the mission and vision of my institution, which represents the goal of the organization. A review will be needed to make sure that the goals will be met by the project and that the GAP is a stumbling block to these goals. This will be a potential convincing argument for the "opinion makers" to support the project at hand. For a big organization , this will be an important step to smoothen out the way for the implementation of the project

Update on my MODEL

THE GAP - Is there a problem ---- INFORMATION --- a.) Identifying the people concerned; b.) client, stakeholders, levels of influence of people and the road blocks that can be the source of partial implementation of the full potential of the project. ---ALIGNMENT ---of GOALS, MISSION and VISION of concerned industry with the training being implemented as oppose to the "usual"practice that is the target of "change" and the source of the gap

Saturday, February 13, 2010

1. Consider your ISD model as innovation that will change the system you plan to use the model in. Identify the communication channels you need to consider to manage the change.

My organization is a very BIG bureaucratic institution. It has many layers of "gate keepers" and a number of opinion leaders. A big aspect of my model will be how to convince the "powers that be" that the change will be an innovation -- something new and that it will be a BETTER system or practice than the previous one. Communication will also be key----the Institution concerned has many modes of communication available where information can be disseminated. All employees, except for jobs involving manual labor have email and lotus accounts, where information about institution events etc are being sent. Broadcasting events thru the external speakers are also used for special announcements, while all elevators have space for bulletin boards.

2. Innovation - Decision Process.

Information and knowledge about the projected change and process should be well introduced to the program adopters, - KNOWLEDGE step the most important part of the process for the adopters to be aware what will be going on. Awareness is key for the program

Persuading people will be done thru deeper knowledge of the gap that is needed to be tied up.

Decision-Implementation-Confirmation are the other steps to diffusion. The first two steps for me are the keys and first step for change. The other steps that follow will decide if the program that has been introduced will be continued or not.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Assessing the IMPACT of the change is very important. This is the point where you have to decide whether to go to a new direction in planning for the organization or adopt a hopefully successful process. The planned change process from the reading is very insightful and is a very clear process of how to implement change in ones organization. A definite worth while reading!

Module 3

The reading on Planned Change is very nice and interesting. What hit me the most is the target audience. The target Audience 1.) innovators (individuals who are usually first to try new ideas), 2.) key persons (people who can influence the organizations or sectors the most), 3.) potential adopters (who can accept new ideas , but needs information and persuasion and 4.) everyone who may be affected by the planned change. The bigger the organization is, I think the harder the acceptance for planned change is. I have seen so many different personalities and characters in my organization that the above target audience needs to have one more sub-category in it --- 5.) the un-changebles! These are the people that refuses to change, are stick in the mud and refuses to follows to policies and marches to the beat of their own drums. I think every organization have these type of people. haha!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Module 2

The reading concerning needs assessment- internal and external -gave me a lot to think about. It is very true that when you are in an organization, especially within a government will be very hard to implement a needs assessment. The resistance to change is very strong among the management and sometimes even of the employees themselves. Comfort of a "used" system and the discomfort of the unknown, makes people look the other way, even if the system needs to be tweaked for better performance.

The article is correct in saying that a needs assessment when done with skill can yield information regarding gaps in the system and if done in a "gentle" way---may have a better effect on management and have a better chance of accepting certain changes.

This really hits home for me. I work in a very big government bureaucracy back home and this is a problem in my office. Certain systems that needs to be changed are not being done because it is very hard to enact change, when you are part of the system you want to change. Preconceived rules, regulations, policies and objectives are already operating, thus reducing ones actions to freely start certain changes.