Thursday, April 1, 2010

Model Exercises

Orientation: I think my ID model is descriptive and at the same time prescriptive. Prescriptive because my model will try to affect some values of interest to achieve a certain outcome (desired ofcourse!). Descriptive because it is focused a specific environment, in this case...a government institution.

Knowledge Structure: It will be procedural in nature--as my model attempts to establish or enlighten management of certain missing aspects in its process of establishing work placements in its after scholarship programs

Expertise Level: My audience will likely be the executive level of the organization, so I am sure its on the intermediate level

Stucture: hmmmm.... I still have to think about this

Context: Government agency in particular - the Central Bank of the Philippines

Level: hmmm---I dont quite get what level it will be---but if it concerns what level of people is the target of my ID--- then it would be mid-level category of people in my institution

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