Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Model Visual Update

My ID model is taken from the ADDIE model done in a circular motion, showing the importance of the ANALYSIS step, where the environment of the organization is analyzed and the gap if there is one is found. The Environment and the gap is shown in my model as having a great influence in all the steps of my model. Formative summary (FS) is also shown with the circle shapes that can be done before and after each step. It is in a circular mode because I envisioned my model as "adaptive" that can be revisited every 5-10 years as each generation of workers change---the culture and environment might change as well and an analysis of the organization and its environment will be needed again (if ever there is a problem-gap). My model is very "environment conscious" because I see the government organization (my work place anyway...)as very different from the private sector. Relationships between workers are very important and people are quite sensitive to change (as you can see, I have been analyzing the environment of organization already haha)
I hope I will be done with my paper in 2 weeks!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Module 6

Formative Evaluation - judging the worth of a program while the program is still happening or in the midst of its activities.

Summative Evaluation - judging the worth of the program after all the activities have been done.

Reasons for doing Formative and Summative evaluation.
One good reason for doing the two evaluations is, that one has an ability to evaluate the program while the program is still happening. This will enable the designer of the program to quickly assess if the program is being truthful to its goals, and still have time to do some adjustments and iron out the kinks. Summative on the other hand, will evaluate if the program worked. This will allow the designer to either apply the program to other agencies (if it worked) or go back to the drawing board.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


1. Method of Delivery: Im thinking of making a division in my department (the BSP Institute) the one that will deliver the instructions

2. Instructional Architecture: I still have no idea on how my Learning architecture would look like. Maybe once I narrow the focus of my Instruction...only then will I be able to decide on how managing the Instruction would look like

3. Other logistical problems? The problems I foresee would be the support of the management and the department concerned (where the scholar comes from)on how they would react or be cooperative/truthful enough for the instruction to work

4.From the feedback that I got from Lori and Mickey---it seems that my topic is very interesting, but it lacks a subject focus that I still have to figure out.

5. Model? I am still visualizing what my model will look like---I hope I can figure it out before the end of this week.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Model Questions:

1.) What are your model's goals and objectives?
My model's goal is to examine and hopefully close the gap between the expected performance of management and expected status/job of the Central Bank Scholars once they get back to their place of work.

2.)What is/are the goal(s) of your supra-system? Do the goal/objectives of your ID model align with the mission and goals of the supra-system?
The goal of the supra system (Central Bank of the Philippines/Philippine government) is to provide quality opportunity to its civil servants and provide jobs that are parallel to the educational attainment of its workers. It also expects its civil servants to be professional and serve the government institution with honesty, integrity and excellence.

to be continued....