My ID model is taken from the ADDIE model done in a circular motion, showing the importance of the ANALYSIS step, where the environment of the organization is analyzed and the gap if there is one is found. The Environment and the gap is shown in my model as having a great influence in all the steps of my model. Formative summary (FS) is also shown with the circle shapes that can be done before and after each step. It is in a circular mode because I envisioned my model as "adaptive" that can be revisited every 5-10 years as each generation of workers change---the culture and environment might change as well and an analysis of the organization and its environment will be needed again (if ever there is a problem-gap). My model is very "environment conscious" because I see the government organization (my work place anyway...)as very different from the private sector. Relationships between workers are very important and people are quite sensitive to change (as you can see, I have been analyzing the environment of organization already haha)
I hope I will be done with my paper in 2 weeks!