Saturday, January 30, 2010

1.) Professional Context - Since I am working already with the Government, I would prefer the Government Institutions as my professional context. Choosing this field is not for all, but I think that to have a chance of changing the world, there is a need to help out the government.

2.) System - Central Bank of the Philippines
Suprasystem - Government of the Philippines
Subsystems - Training Department, Sector in-charge of the department
Information Channels - Lotus email system is well-established, what should exist--should have more background on profiles for better training assessments.
3.) Subsystem Interface - -0-

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Module 1

What struck me the most about the reading in Module 1-Chapter 1 are the examples of paradigms in terms of client and end-user. The examples of Brasilia, Brazil and how the watch makers of switzerland lost their market share to the japanese and americans in just 10 years reminded me so much of the Philippines and how urban planning in Philippine cities started out so well, but due to the paradigm "shifts" in technology and the people -- how the urban planners missed and were not able to sort of "predict human behavior have caused the filipino people so much. Urban blight and good intentions have been undone.

This just shows how important it is to research and KNOW our clients and end-users before starting out on any project.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


For those who don't know what a PLE is ----- It is short for PERSONAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. This blog will now chronicle IDE 632 from IDE 611