Sunday, November 22, 2009


From the comments of Jillian and Steve, I am also wondering about all these video makers! Well, I found one, by accident, a 19 year old kid (he started posting his youtube videos in 2006) who has 1.7 MILLION subscribers to his channel and his videos have atleast 2 Million views each! Its amazing how many people follow the videos of this kid. I dont know if he is making money out of it---I think he does because of all the advertisements plastered on his youtube.....but it is crazy! His videos are home made and really simple with a weird comedy twist in it. Please take out the time and watch atleast 2 of his videos (if you have watched the Twilight movie -- the first movie--his take on it is hilarious...I must admit! and it has 10 MILLION views twilight). VIDEO CHANNEL .

I guess this is an example of kids using the new technologies to the fullest. If only kids would be this interested in their studies!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Ever wanted to learn sports? There is a way where you can learn sports without having to spend so much...and the best thing is you learn from the Experts themselves! I have been playing Badminton and tennis since arriving at SU and I find the youtube resources very useful. From learning how to hit a smash, serve, footwork and the rules of the game of my chosen sport, everything is there. If you want to know about dancing, yoga, karate, basketball and has it and all you need is a computer with an internet and you are ready to learn! Youtube is an alternative way of learning a lot of things, not only in sports, but in all kinds of fields that you can think of. It has made it easier to learn about sports and having little money is no excuse. With the coming winter I wish everyone to be healthy and active in sports!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I am using youtube a lot in my school reports here at Syracuse, especially for Tiffany's class in IDE 621. I am going to share a few videos that I used in my Behaviorism Knowledge Base. - this first link is about Skinners experiment. The second is about Thorndike's puzzle Box and this third video is my favorite! enjoy it! Surprise. So I am really using Youtube a lot to help me out understand the different theories that I have been learning at IDE 621---> I hope you guys can also use this technology for your upcoming reports!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quick Capture for Education??

You tube recently launched its Quick Capture which is a very cheap way of recording your class presentations that can be easily embedded in your blogs and wiki. All you have to have is an inexpensive webcam and computer microphone and you are ready to use Youtube's Quick Capture. The only problem would be it is very hard to copy the video that you created from youtube to your own computer. So it is not for "very important" presentations because it will be hard to make a copy of it once it is in youtube. But for simple class presentations---it is a nice alternative to the expensive multi-media- web-based education systems in the market. (For more information about this please click here)

Till next week

Sunday, November 1, 2009

For the second half of the semester, I am going to discuss YOUTUBE. I think almost everyone knows what youtube is about and I hope I can discover a little bit more about this phenomenon called youtube. So I hope to put up a post by next week.